The Strangest College Class Ever

Picking out the oddest offerings from the wide world of academia has become something of a modern pastime. Lists of…

The Marienbad Cut: Gloria Vanderbilt Models A French Movie Hairdo

The French New Wave became a force in cinema in the late 1950s and early 1960s, expanding ideas about the…

A Joyful Thanksgiving and a “Marriage Experiment”

In 1972 LIFE magazine ran a cover feature on what it termed “Marriage Experiments.” The issue featured several examples of…

Pamper House: America As It Was Learning to Treat Itself

The term “day spa” is as much a part of the modern vocabulary as “smart phone” or “Zoom meeting,” which…

Wild and Frozen: Minnesota at Its Coldest and Most Remote

Today Alaska holds a well-earned place in the American imagination as the country’s final frontier, and a host of reality…

A Lone Star Fashion Show, 1939

LIFE’s coverage of the fashion world inevitably leaned on stories about the latest looks from Paris and New York, but…